Mosi Tea
All in One Infuser
Experience hassle-free brewing anywhere with the All in One Infuser - a versatile, durable tool for t
$65.00 -
Lavender Chamomile
Lavender Chamomile is a gentle and aromatic blend that is naturally sweet to the taste. It's floral n
$20.00 -
Earl Grey
Earl Grey is a bold and classic black tea with well-balanced hints of tangy bergamot. Brew it hot, or
$20.00 -
Morning Black
Morning Black is the perfect way to start your day. Expect a bold black tea with a subtle honey-like
$20.00 -
Green Chamomile
Green Chamomile is a tranquil herbal tonic with a light, fruity tone. Brew it hot, and then sit back
$20.00 -
Rooibos Lavender
Rooibos Lavender is a naturally nutty and sweet herbal infusion with an airy aroma that begs you to w
$20.00 -
Basic Tea Starter Kit
The perfect starter gift for anyone that loves tea at home or on the go, or anyone looking to add it
$75.00 -
Green Mint
Green Mint is a soothing green tea blend with bright, sweet notes that will awaken the senses. Brew i
$20.00 -
Brew Anything Starter Kit
The perfect starter gift for anyone wanting to brew anything! Experience not one, but three premium t
$130.00 -
Vanilla Matcha
Vanilla Matcha is a classic creamy duo that’s earthy yet sweet. It’s delicious as a hot or iced latte
$25.00 -
Masala Chai
Masala Chai is a warm, full-bodied black tea with sweet and aromatic Indian spices. It’s best brewed
$20.00 -
Rose Black
Rose Black is a bold black tea blend with a subtle floral sweetness. Brew it hot, or prepare as a col