You Can PYM

8 active products
Founded by Zak Williams
All-natural amino acid mood chews that help you feel calm and relaxed. Take back those feel goods.
  • Mood B Complete

    Support For: Energy, Positive Mood & Mental ClarityA comprehensive blend of super absorbable meth

  • Oxytocin Boost

    Support your "love hormone", oxytocin. When oxytocin is released, your mental health is improved by f

  • Stop Stress Bundle

    Get complete control of feelings of stress, overwhelm, and restlessness with researched based ingredi

  • Mood Omegas

    Support For: Brain Fog, Nerves, & CognitionOmega-3 fatty acids to promote healthy brain cell memb

  • Mood Chews

    Support for feelings of: Stress, Worry & OverwhelmPYM Mood Chews are made with safe and effective

  • Mood Biotics

    A 6-strain probiotic and prebiotic blend designed to support the gut-brain connection for optimal neu

  • Mood Magnesium

    Support For: Sleep, Memory, & StressGet to a restful state with a premium amino-infused magnesium

  • Gut-Brain Connect

    Optimizing your mental well-being gets easier with a healthy gut microbiome.Help your brain produce 1
